Frequently Asked Questions

  • We're sorry you are experiencing these problems. We are happy to let you know that we can help anyone regardless of diagnosis.

  • To put it simply, it depends, but probably 6-26 sessions for most people. Lypmhedema varies is severity and other factors. It is also important to consider all of your health conditions, among other things to determine. Adam says, “I can share with you that in the past 3 years, my treatment plans have varied from 6 to 80 treatments to reach full edema reduction, transition to daily wear compression, and discharge from therapy successfully.” Your personal plan of care will be discussed during your evaluation so that you full know what to expect.

  • The simplest and broadest reason would be an improved quality of life. That can be broken down into many factors. As a list of the first things that come to mind I would say benefits can include: Improved self-image. Reduced limb size. Reduced limb volume. Reduce limb weight. Improved ability to move, walk, and engage in activity. Improved fit of clothing. Lymphedema treatments can facilitate wound healing and reduce the risk of new wounds. Treatment also reduces risk of infection (cellulitis). Reduce pain. Among others!

  • Elevation, self-manual lymph drainage, and home exercises. Research has shown that elevating your legs a minimum of 2 hours per day in conjunction with wearing your compression will result in better edema reduction. There are also exercises you can perform at home and self applied manual lymph drainage techniques. We get further into all of these topics during sessions. After mastering the techniques we offer access to members only videos to help you remember how to do these things correctly.

  • A lot of great things happen at The Lymphedema Clinic. The biggest thing we do every day is help people to get rid of excess swelling in their body. More specifically we use all of the components of complete decongestive therapy (CDT), which include: compression, remedial exercises, manual lymph drainage techniques, skin care, education on donning/doffing compression wear, and transition to completing these things independently at home.